Conference Details

"A new command I give you: Love one another.  

As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

Youth Ministry


2022 Prophecies

Please Prayer for the Birmingham Conference.

Conference Prayer

Father, in Heaven,

pour out Your Spirit upon the

Birmingham Conference.

Grant to everyone a new vision  

of your glory,

A new experience of Your Power

A new faithfulness to Your Word

A new consecration to Your Service

so that Your Love may grow among

us and Your Kingdom come

through Jesus Christ Our Lord.


Our vision is to offer an opportunity to gather together in Praise and Worship,

to receive sound Christian teaching from local and international speakers and

to celebrate the Holy Mass each day.

Our mission is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in accordance with the doctrines and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

Celebration of the Eucharist

is one of the highlights of the Birmingham Conference

and is the source and summit of our faith.

And every day culminates with Holy Mass,

Birmingham Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference

A Registered Charity Incorporated Organisation No.1153935

Registered Office: Nine Acres, Uffmoor Lane, Halesowen,

West Midlands B63 1DL

Hosted by solidrock Hosting

Each person should give as much as he or she has decided in there heart, not with reluctance or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  2 Corinthians 9: 7




Daniella Stephens

Bishop David Oakley

Bishop David was ordained a priest on 5th July 1980 in the Archdiocese of Birmingham. He served as Rector of  St. Mary’s College Oscott seminary of the Archdiocese of Birmingham.

Bishop David was appointed Bishop of the Diocese of Northampton by the Holy See on 8th January 2020. Bishop David Oakley has been a great supporter and a speaker at our conference and Day’s of Renewal over the years.

Daniella is a young Catholic evangelist from Manchester in full time ministry as catholic speaker. Daniella has been speaking for ten years, and she travels all over the UK and abroad to speak at events delivering accessible teachings to people of all ages at events, churches, schools, conferences, retreats, prayer groups and more.

She is a regular speaker for Radio Maria England and is passionately committed to the urgent task of proclaiming and teaching the Good News of Christ.

Canon Michael Mitton

Canon Michael is an Anglican priest and a freelance speaker, writer and spiritual director. He currently works in the mission department of the Derby Diocese and also leads a small church.

He is author of a number of books including Restoring the Woven Cord, Dreaming of Home and Travellers of the Heart. His specialism is Celtic Spirituality.

Mark McLean

Mark is a former seminarian who studied for four years in the heart of Rome. He has a passion for the Catholic faith and evangelising. He manages a growing YouTube platform focussing on faith based topics and has collaborated with other evangelists and authors such as Derek Williams and Xavier

Ayral. He has a particular focus on Catholic Prophecy and Marian apparitions and presents a detailed context of how God is preparing his faithful children for the extraordinary times in which we are living. 

2024 Conference  

Monday  12th to Friday 16th August

Royal Court Hotel

Tamworth Road, Keresley, Coventry CV7 8JG

Check in from 1pm Monday - Check out of Rooms 11am


‘For the wedding of the Lamb has come’

Revelation 19:7

Pope Francis

Happy New Year to you all. We are delighted to offer this year's conference 'Be Ready with Zeal'.

This is based on Revelation 19:7 'the wedding of the Lamb has come.'


This year's venue is The Royal Court Hotel, Coventry which we hope will be home to the conference for some years.

The hotel is undergoing a refurbishment and offers us a large conference room, a range of bedrooms, a leisure centre, parking and much more. We are expectant for all that the Lord has in store for our week together. 

The programme will include praise and worship, Holy Mass, talks, adoration and time for fellowship.

We are excited to announce our confirmed speakers as Bishop David Oakley, Canon Michael Mitton, Daniella Stephens, Mark McLean and Marino Restrepo. We will also be offering sessions for children and youth. We hope you are able to join us for a spirit filled week of renewal and fellowship!

Frances McLean   (Chairperson)

Marino Restrepo

Marino was born in the Andes Mountains of Colombia. He drifted away from Catholicism and later in life was kidnapped by rebels. While a captive he went through a mystical experience with God that changed his life forever. Five and a half months later, Marino was miraculously released from captivity after a miracle of God,

and after his release he went back to his Catholic faith. Eighteen months later he became a full time missionary for the Catholic Church leaving all of his past, and his worldly possessions behind. He is constantly on mission around the world. Marino’s testimony has been published in a book called "From Darkness into the Light".